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Lieplaukė RC Parish

Transcription and Translation of Example Entries from Lieplaukė RC Parish Registers

Lieplaukė RCC 1883-02-08 Baptism Record (in Russian)

Refer to the image below, which is an image of entry 7 on register page 37 of the 1878-1896 birth (baptism) register of Lieplaukė RC Parish in Lithuania.  The format of this entry is typical of other entries in this birth register.


8 February 1883 Baptism Entry in Lieplaukė RCC Birth Register (in "Old" Russian)

(Ref: Website; Lieplaukės RKB gimimo metrikų knyga. 1878-1896 m. 

(Lieplaukė RCC birth register, 1878-1896) (F.1479. Ap.1 B.20); Image 39 of 198; entry 7)

MY TRANSCRIPTION OF THE RECORD (in Russian, with Polonized names):

Column 1:  Нармонтовъ.

Column 2:  7.

Column 3:  8.

Column 4:  8.

Column 5:  Тысяча восемъсотъ восемдесять третъяго года Февраля восмого дня въ Лепловскомъ прих~ [приходскомъ] Р. К. [Римско-Католическомъ] Костелѣ Наст~ [Настятел(емъ?)] Кс. [Ксёндзомъ] А. Францкевичемъ окрещ: млад. [окрещенъ младенецъ] именемъ Юліянъ со всѣми обряд: т-ва [обрядами таинства].

Column 6:  Яна и Повлины изъ Гудовичей Нармонтовъ Закон~ Супр. [Законныхъ Супруговъ] Сынъ, родившійся тогожъ года, мѣсяца и дня въ дер. [деревнѣ] Абоки Лепловскаго прихода Гадоновскай волости и общества.

Column 7:  Крестъ. [Крестьяне] Антонъ Довкинтисъ съ Маръянною Даниковсковною дѣвицею.



MY TRANSLATION OF THE RECORD (translated from Russian into English, except names translated into modern Lithuanian):

Column 1:  Narmontai ["the Narmontases"; plural of "Narmontas"].

Column 2:  7. [register entry 7 of this year].

Column 3:  8. [born on the 8th day of this month].

Column 4:  8. [baptized on the 8th day of this month].

Column 5:  [on] the eighth day of the month of February of the one thousand eight hundred eighty third year, in Lieplaukė parish Roman Catholic Church, a baby by name Julijonas was baptized by pastor Rev. A. Pranckevičius with all the rites of the sacrament.

Column 6:  the son of Jonas and Paulina néeGudavičiūtė Narmontai ["the Narmontases"], lawfully married spouses, having been born of that same year, month and day in the village Abokai of Lieplaukė parish, of Gadūnavas district and community.

Column 7:  Peasants Antanas Daukintis with Marijona Danikauskaitė, a maiden.



MY SUMMARY OF THE RECORD (translated from Russian into English, except names translated into modern Lithuanian):

Julijonas; the son of Jonas Narmontas and his wife Paulinanée Gudavičiūtė, [peasants] of Gadūnavas district and community; was born on February 8, 1883 in the village Abokai of Lieplaukė RC parish, and was baptized on the same day in Lieplaukė Roman Catholic church. The priest was pastor Rev. A. Pranckevičius.  The godparents were Antanas Daukintis and Marijona Danikauskaitė.


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