
Lithuanian Roman Catholic (RC) Ancestor Search Information

Nobility Documents of Lithuanian "Noble" Families

Example: Gudavičius Nobility Annotation dated 31 July 1834 (in Russian)


This is an example of an extremely abbreviated nobility "document". It consists of a single short paragraph within the overall record of proceedings of the Vilnius Noble Deputy meeting.  This annotation was probably made for the purpose of adding additional male descendants to an already-existing nobility document. 

Gudavicius Nobility Document

(in Russian) Page 1 of 1)

31 July 1834

Source title:  Vilnius Noble Deputy Meeting, 1829 [year initiated].  [LVIA record F.391. Ap.9. B.6].
Repository:  LVIA
Citation detail:  Excerpt re: 31 Jul 1834 statement of Godowski [Gudavičius] nobility from page 17 of proceedings (F.391. Ap.9.B.6. L.17) (handwritten in Russian); copy of original page sent by researcher to Robert Normant via mail 29 Jul



MY ABBREVIATED SUMMARY OF THE RECORD (translated from Russian into English, except names translated into Lithuanian):

This record documents that the nobility of the following persons has been proven:

  • Vincentas Gudavičius and Pranciškus Gudavičius, who are the sons of Juozapas Gudavičius
  • Julijonas Pranciškus Gudavičius, who is the son of Vincentas Gudavičius
  • Ilarijonas Povilas Gudavičius, who is the son of Pranciškus Gudavičius

(Gudavičius family coat of arms is “Odrowaz”.)