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Lieplaukė RC Parish

Transcription and Translation of Example Entries from Lieplaukė RC Parish Registers

Lieplaukė RCC 1913-07-28 Death Record (in Russian)

Refer to the image below, which is an image of entry 41 on register page 143 of the 1896-1919 death register of Lieplaukė RC Parish in Lithuania.  The format of this entry is typical of other entries in this death register.


28 July 1913 Entry in Lieplaukė RCC Death Register (in "Old" Russian)

(Ref: Website; Lieplaukės RKB mirties metrikų knyga. 1896-1919 m. 

(Lieplaukė RCC death register, 1896-1919) (F.1479. Ap.1 B.23); Image 145 of 199; entry 41)

MY TRANSCRIPTION OF THE RECORD (in Russian, with Polonized names):

Column 1:  41.   Нармонтъ.

Column 2:  28.

Column 3:  70.

Column 4:  Тысяча девятьсотъ тринадцатого года Іюля двадцать восьтого дня въ дер. Кальнишкахъ скончался Іоаннъ Казимировичъ Нармонтъ отъ старости пріобщ. Св. Таинъ.

Column 5:  Кр. Бернатовской вол. имѣвшій отъ роду 70 л. оставилъженувдовогоПавлинуизъ Гудовичей,сына Юліяна и дочерей: Юэефу, Казимиру, и Агату Леплавскаго прихода.

Column 6:  Тѣло его сего года и м-ца 29 дня Кс. А. Вишневскимъ похоронено на Леплавскомъ  прих. Кладбищѣ.



MY TRANSLATION OF THE RECORD (translated from Russian into English, except names translated into modern Lithuanian):

Column 1:  41 [register entry 41 of this year]  Narmontas.

Column 2:  28 [died on the 28th day of this month].

Column 3:  70 [(estimated) age at death].

Column 4:  [on] the twenty eighth day of July of the one thousand nine hundred thirteenth year, in the village Kalniškiai, died Jonas, son of Kazimieras, Narmontas, of old age, having been given the Holy Sacrament ["last rites"].

Column 5: Peasant of Bernotavas district, having had from birth 70 years, [he] was survived by widowed wife Paulina née Gudavičiūtė, son Julijonas and daughters Juzefa, Kazimiera, and Agota, of Lieplaukė parish.

Column 6: His body this year and month (on) the twenty-ninth day by Rev. A. Vyšniauskas was buried at the Lieplaukė parish cemetery.



MY SUMMARY OF THE RECORD (translated from Russian into English, except names translated into modern Lithuanian):

Jonas Narmontas, the son of Kazimieras; a peasant of Bernotavas district, 70 years old, of Lieplaukė parish; died of old age in the village Kalniškiai on July 28, 1913.  He was survived by his wife Paulina née Gudavičiūtė, a son Julijonas, and daughters Juzefa, Kazimiera, and Agota.  On July 29, 1913 his body was buried in the Lieplaukė parish cemetery by Rev. A. Vyšniauskas.

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